As I was walking on the trail through the forest on a very particular day I heard a screech. So knowing me I obviously wanted to see what made the noise, but it was the biggest mistake of my life. I wondered off the tail and I walked and I walked toward it until I heard another one to the left of me. 5 seconds later to behind me, then in front of me. I started to panic. I started a little jog back unto the trail so I could find me way back. I thought it was right behind me, but it wasn't there. Then I heard another one this one I could hear what ever made it bristling in the leaves. Then another one, this time I freaked out. I started running in a full sprint and then I felt something, I was astounded of the force of the object. It tackled me without even trying. I tried scrambling to my feet, but it was too late the thing grabbed my and threw me on the ground. I was stone cold.
I woke up finding myself in a hospital bed. I asked "Whe-rrr-e amm I?" While I was shivering. I looked around no one was in the room then the door opened and a doctor with a scrub on walked in. He said. "Wow you’re lucky your alive, you took quite the head injury. “You’re lucky somebody found you." Stated the doctor. I yelled. "That still doesn't answer my question. Where am I?" With a stern voice the doctor said. "Hills County public hospital" "I've got to get out of here! I need to tell something to you guys!" Then I blacked out again
Two week later I woke up. This time they let me go. They said my head was back in shape. I went straight to the police station and told them everything of my strange encounter and they told me that they have never heard of such a strange story. They threatened if I wouldn't stop they would tell the hospital to take me again. I told them I wouldn't settle for this and every single day of the rest of my life. I dedicated my days to try to find this creature I have encountered. If you have heard of a similar encounter call 691-111-111. Thank you for your time. Have a nice day.
Great story! I like the suspense of not knowing what is really happening at first. YOIu might want to revisit the post to do more self-editing and clean up the spelling and word choice errors.