The Packers are da Bomb!

The Packers are da Bomb!
Will they repeat?

Monday, October 3, 2011

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Dear Casey,

        Come on Casey , why did you strikeout?  We could have won that game!  We had a man on 2nd and 3rd base the least you could do was get a walk and get on base.  I had high hopes on our team winning that game, if we would have won that game we would have been first in the division!  I was not very pleased with your performance.

         Why didn't you swing at the first pitch, it was right down the middle? And then you watch the second pitch come right down the plate too.  I knew we were going to lose after that second strike.  Only if you would have made contact.  Oh well, its not the end of the world let's shake it off and win today's and tomorrows games then we'll be right back in as division leaders.

Your GM Teddie Nevermann

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