The Packers are da Bomb!

The Packers are da Bomb!
Will they repeat?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


                 What if we didn’t have patriotism would our world be fearful and scared?  Patriotism is a huge thing in the world.  It shows love, courage, and devotion for a country.  Without it our country wouldn’t exist because our founding fathers had the courage to stand up to England and fight for freedom.  The point is patriotism is a big thing. It is fighting for your beliefs and doing whatever it takes to make your country a better place.  Patriotism still matters because without it no one would be courageous and fight for what they believe.
                Patriotism means to do something courageous this happens every day everywhere, a big picture of patriotism is military forces, and without them we would be defenseless and venerable.  They also fight for what we believe and put their selves endangered for our liberty and justice.
                As the military overseas, we can have the same courage as them.  We can vote, protest, and complain to the government that something is not right.  If none of this happened in our country we would not have any rights and we would be unorganized.   Another big thing in patriotism is just wearing your nation’s colors and celebrating your nation’s independence day and giving hope to soldiers overseas. 
                When we celebrate the 4th of July we show patriotism, this also happens every day.  You might not notice but if we go to a football game and they say the star spangled banner that is showing love for your country.  Teachers are also patriots because they take time and dedication to make lives for children better.  So the main thing is patriotism matters it happens every day everywhere and is a big thing in your community and country.

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