The Packers are da Bomb!

The Packers are da Bomb!
Will they repeat?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Deep Water

What If didn't know how to swim and you were in the deep end of a pool? Would you scream for help? What happens if there was no one there to rescue you? This is what happened to William Douglas when he was 10 years old. He never wanted to swim again but miraculously he overcame it with some big courage and lots of dedication. This has happened to me, but in a slightly different way. One day I was tubing. On a nice calm like than all of a sudden there was a switch of drivers. We were being whipped like crazy and then we hit a big wave. I went flying like 20 feet and I was only 8 years old. This is just like William's scenario was in big trouble and never wanted to do that thing again because of the bad experience.

It was a warm summer day. All of my friends were out at my grandma’s house on Pewaukee Lake. We were all swimming off my grandma's dock then someone insisted we all go tubing. So I being myself did not wanted to be left out so I wouldn't be left out. That day I wish never would have never made that decision. That was the worst tubing experience I ever had! Just like William I bet you if he never would have gone to the pool, he wouldn't be paranoid of water also.

The water was cold as I hit it. It felt like a million little needles stabbing me at one time. I felt urgency flood my body. As the jet skier circled around I felt that I was dead just sitting there in the water. As they pulled me up I knew I wouldn't even think about going tubing again.

After the next year I noticed all of my friend's on my grandma's lake were having so much fun. They were all tubing. They were all out tubing I wanted to go but I was too afraid to go out and face my fears and tube. Slowly but surely I knew I would have fun tubing again.

It was the fourth of July this year when I finally went tubing. It was slow on the pontoon boat but it was fun just how I remembered it. I realized how fun it was and I love tubing to this very day. This was just like William's problem. Something fun that everyone does you can't do because of bad experiences and you think it could happen to you again. If you keep your mind off of it you can slowly overcome what you feared.

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