The Packers are da Bomb!

The Packers are da Bomb!
Will they repeat?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Fetch" Relations

What happens if you come to a situation that no one likes to be in? Would you just run away or would you do what’s right? This is the situation of George Dixon in the short story Fetch by Robb White. He was faced with a very awkward and scary situation. He believes he killed his professor’s dog, he doesn’t want to tell him the bad news, but he was courageous, honest, and told him what really happened. In the end something amazing happened the dog was still alive and the professor gave him the job because of his honesty. We can all relate to this story having been caught in a sticky situation and making it all work out in the end.

I have had similar situations. I do something on accident that is really bad, I don’t want to say anything, but is for my own good if I tell the truth. Sometimes if you do this, you can find yourself not punished, but actually approved by everybody. A good example of George Dixon’s situation was when I was 8 in summer I was always outside. I was always riding my bike. One time I was going so fast that I flipped over a curb landing straight on my butt. I was OK, but my bike was a whole different story.

I was crying so much. Not because I was hurt, but because my bike was broken. I didn’t want to tell my parents, but they figured something was wrong. They asked me what was wrong, though I didn’t want to tell them the truth I still had to because I knew they would sooner or later figure out what happened. My parents weren’t mad at me they just took it into the shop and it was fixed up in a couple of days and I was out riding my awesome bike again.

I think this is how George must have thought after he told the truth relieved and happy he got it off, and sometimes good things come when you’re honest. Like the option to ride a bike again or to get a dream job that you always wanted.

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