The Packers are da Bomb!

The Packers are da Bomb!
Will they repeat?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nuclear Power

Authors note***  This was a science speech turned into an essay

Just image the year is 2100 and the world atmosphere is filled with dangerous chemicals and gasses from coal and oils. Now do you want this to happen? We can change this fateful future by switching to clean and efficient Nuclear power. Nuclear power is much better than those stinky oils and gasses it can dish out lots of energy, while being eco-friendly. This is why I believe Nuclear power is the best energy source for our great nation.

First on my list is how it works. Nuclear power works by Nuclear power is made by neutrons splitting Uranium atoms causing two more neutrons to split and find more Uranium atoms. This occurs at very high temperatures, which will then heat water that turns turbines creating electricity. During all of this there is no pollution which is a major win for the people and the environment.

In addition to clean fuel is another list of helpful facts. You may think that the uranium fuel is very rare and can only be found in some locations, but it really isn’t it is about as common as tin so there is not a worry of running out of it sometime soon. Also, the professionals at the power plants need to be changed only once every 18 this leads to a very safe energy source with only 3 major accidents from Nuclear power, while they are over 430 Nuclear reactors around the world!

 Although nuclear power is great in so many ways there are always disadvantages. The only disadvantage is uranium the main fuel source is radioactive, if this were to get captured by terrorist or spilled on accident this could lead to a major catastrophe.  Although studies have shown that it is almost impossible to get nuclear waste from power plants.  In addition if a spill is well maintained it can be cleaned up.

Nuclear energy is a future that is to come, and is a clean fuel with little pollution and little effects to our great nations environment.  I believe that we should switch from coal to the great energy source of nuclear power.

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